Innovative Hesacore Grip!
Bullpadel Hesacore Grip
Introducing the innovative Bullpadel Hesacore Grip, Bullpadel has decided to go further with this grip, leaving aside the common tape and changing it for a soft, elastic and padded handle. Its handle with a curious hexagonal design along with its width that creates a larger contact surface between the hand and fist, results in a grip of the racket with much less effort which will no longer slip from our hands. .
The main positive point to place it on your racket is its great reduction of vibrations, thanks to this reduction we have much less chance of suffering any injury in the long term.Another benefit of the grip is its comfortable grip that allows us to have more control on the court and at the same time generate more power when hitting the ball.
A padel racket made for padel lovers, the Bullpadel Vertex 3 provides both control and power, incorporates the innovative hesacore grip with unparalleled comfort and vibration reduction when hitting the ball.

You can get it on our website: M1Padel Bullpadel Vertex 3.
Does Hesacore have sizes?
Although many stores sell hesacore in different sizes, this one has only one size, but if you feel that the grip is too small you can add more overgrips. Although it is not recommended to add more than two overgrips because we would lose the hexagonal relief that provides a lot of comfort. .
And although it seems that only serves in some padel rackets, Hesacore is designed for any type of padel racket as long as it is of a standard fist size

Hesacore Installation
Bullpadel to have designed the Heacore Grip of only one piece, consists of rods with which to moisten them allows the placement of this to be a little easier, although it should be cautious because it is fragile and an aggressive pull could break it.
If you need help to place the grip, Bullpadel has already made us a video to make it easier for us to install:
If you are thinking of buying the Hesacore Grip, you can do it from here.